Cards 1 - 9 are the Numerology portion of the Reiki Tarot deck and are also known as the Oracle cards.

4 Sei He Ki
I Am the Hidden Balance
Creating Mental Emotional Healing
- State of budding; getting there just before the bloom
- To balance the off-balanced things hidden inside
- The origin of external form Energy Vital Force
Sei He Ki, called “the key of the Universe” is the mental/emotional symbol in Reiki. Mainly used to heal mental and emotional issues, removing negative energies from the body and protecting the body from negative forces. It is basically used for emotional and mental balance.
Its name means everything is up is down, man and God are one, and the earth and sky join.
When Sei He Ki appears in your cards, you are being given a gift of mental and emotional healing energy: meditation with this sacred and universal energy and recognition of the Divine is necessary to balance the mental and emotional self. No one can do this for us.