EAGLE – SPIRIT The feathers of Eagle are considered to be the most sacred of healing tools. They have been used for centuries by shamans to cleanse the auras of patients coming to them for healing. Within the belief systems of Native American tribes, Eagle represents a state of grace acheived through hard work, understanding,… Read more »
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THE SACRED WEED For longer than anyone knows, Indians throughout the Americas have smoked tobacco and other plants for pleasure and for praying. The smoke was the Great Spirit’s breath taking the prayers up to the Ones above. Blackfoot
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THE VISION QUEST The vision quest is a tradition among the Plains people. A man or woman seeking the way on the road of life, or trying to find the answer to a personal problem, may go on a vision quest for knowledge and enlightenment. This may mean staying on top of a hill or… Read more »
MEDICINE SHIELD The Medicine Sheild is an expression of the unique gifts that its maker wishes to impart about his or her current life journey. A Medicine Shield can speak of a new level in personal growth or it can illustrate the next mountain a person wishes to climb. Traditionally, the shield a warrior carried… Read more »