Third Chakra
It is in the Act of Forgiving
That We are Forgiven
- letting go — having let go
- healing and peace
- release negativity toward self or other(s)
There are three types of forgiveness, forgiving the self, those that have been harmed by our actions, and forgiving others that have harmed us. Releasing past hurts, resentments, anger and judgments will change your life. When we are ready to forgive, we are released, liberated, and free to return to our natural state of open-heartedness and clarity – an inner letting go that finally allows us to be at peace.
If you have issues with forgiveness, this is the place to start, the Solar Plexus or Chi Chakra, in your abdomen, above your belly button. It is where you reach out from within to help release and draw the energy up from your root and sacral chakras into your center, and then continue that energy up into your heart chakra and above. With help from Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen long distance healing energies from the Quantum Level, you can begin to heal again.