22 is considered the most powerful of all the numbers. Those with a Life Path number 22 have great spiritual understanding, and ability to apply knowledge in a practical way and achieve enormous success.
This is the number of the Master Builder and those with a 22 in their chart are able to turn your dreams into a reality. You are a great visionary and have the intuitive insights of the 11, combined with the practical nature of the 4, . If not practical, someone with this number can waste their potential. This individuals’ goals are outside of their personal self as this person strives to serve the greater good of humanity.
The downside of those with a Life Path number 22 would stem from the Challenges for someone with this number in being overwhelmed by their own potential, and fear of failure, and although they can be determined, they may at times seem dictatorial, insensitive, and overbearing.
It can take someone with this number well into their adulthood before they manifest their dreams because they have to go through trials, and learning experiences before they mature enough to incorporate their true calling in their life.
Those following Life Path of 22 are called master teachers, and as mentioned they are the most powerful of the life path numbers, endowed with many powers, and a unique talent for manifesting ideas into the realm of reality. Below are some key points you might want to take into consideration to help you on your path …
Your thoughts have incredible power, so be careful what you focus on, because it will more than likely appear in your life, whether you like it or not. You are a classic case of “be careful what you wish for.”
Don’t let yourself become obsessed with the ease of acquiring “stuff.” Part of your lesson is to put your effort into the things that matter. You may also have to learn how to let go of the things that don’t matter.
Keep yourself organized. You will make yourself crazy if you don’t. Have a place for everything. That goes for your bookkeeping, as well.
It’s not easy to go through life thinking of yourself as a teacher. You are one, whether you like it or not. You will influence people just by being around them. You are not teaching behavior or something concrete. Teach peace of mind and contentment in the present. Teach by example…