Chakras exist within the subtle body. They correspond to the seven main nerve ganglia which emanate from the spinal column. Chakras can become blocked and unbalanced.
The Reiki Tarot Chakra cards encourage you to think about your physical body, emotional state and the spiritual aspects of your journey. Each chakra is connected to the various organs and glands within the body. Reiki Tarot Chakra encourages intuitive reflection upon the physical body to help you get back into a state of wellness, body mind and spirit.
7. Crown Chakra/Amethyst: 7th Chakra: I Understand
Amethyst helps to clear, open, and balance the Crown Chakra giving
us access to higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond
our personal preoccupations and visions.
Other stones can be used for the Violet Crown Chakra
diamond • selenite • clear quartz • moonstone • amethyst • labradorite • azurite • sodalite

6. Third Eye Chakra/Lapis Lazuli: 6th Chakra: I See
The Third Eye Chakra activates the psychic centers and balances
the energies of the Throat Chakra.
Other stones can be used for the Third Eye Chakra
amethyst • labradorite • azurite • sodalite

5. Throat Chakra/Aqua Aura: 5th Chakra: I Speak
The Throat Chakra is our source of verbal expression and the ability to speak
our highest truth.
Other stones can be used for the Throat Chakra
angelite • blue lace agate • blue topaz • turquoise

4. Heart Chakra/Rose Quartz: 4th Chakra: I Love
The Heart Chakra unites the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spirit. The Heart Chakra is our source of love and connection.
Other stones can be used for the Heart Chakra
moonstone • aventurine • emerald • green calcite • green tourmaline

3. Solar Plexus/Citrine: 3rd Chakra: I Do
The Solar Plexus Chakra stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action. The Solar Plexus is the center of the life force and is located above the belly button.
Other stones can be used for the Solar Plexus Chakra
amber • quartz • topaz • aragonite • golden calcite • yellow sapphire

2. Sacral/Carnelian: 2nd Chakra: I Feel
The Sacral Chakra anchors you into your three lower energy centers, the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras and is a stone of courage and confidence.
Other stones can be used for the Sacral Chakra
red and brown aventurine • red garnet • red jasper • ruby

1. Root/Red Jasper: 1st Chakra: I Am
The Root Chakra stimulates the Root Chakra, stabilizing and energizing the physical body.
Other stones can be used for the Root Chakra
bloodstone • obsidian • onyx • hematite • tiger’s eye