People with a Life Path number 3 have a very high level of creativity and self expression. This abundance of creative energy, and the ease with which they are able to communicate in all areas, both written word and verbal, could lead them to become a poet, actor, writer, artist or musician. In fact many writers, radio broadcasters, actors, singers, performers, and counselors share this life path number.
Threes are optimistic, extremely generous and giving souls, and are able to find positive in everything around them. People like to be around them, not only because of these qualities, but also because Threes have a charismatic personality, are great listeners and are very conscious of other people’s feelings and emotions. They can easily put the people around them at ease and make them feel comfortable.
Because they enjoy living life to the fullest, Threes tend to live life for today and not worry about tomorrow. They have a hard time taking responsibilities seriously, and probably aren’t very good with money, partly because they feel so positive about life they figure everything will work itself out fine. This can sometimes lead those with a Life Path of 3 to live superficially, have a lack of direction in their life, and procrastinate.
When they are hurt emotionally, Threes tend to withdraw and become moody, and can sometimes make biting comments to lash out at people around them. They can be manic depressive if they do not use their creative energy and tend to exaggerate the truth.
Life path number 3 is a strong vibration, one of creative self expression, independence, playfulness, and communication.
Below are some key points you might want to take into consideration to help you on your path … You have to be who you are. You are a joyful spirit, and probably talented, witty and charming. Don’t settle for the superficial, but use those qualities as ways to dive deeper into your own soul. Aim for a career that lets you express yourself. You could head for entertaining, but you would also be a great designer, jeweler, writer, or hairdresser. You’re good at seeing the overall structure of whatever you’re working on. Remain open-minded. Do the essential things first, then look for the frosting. Don’t be afraid to be ambitious.